Thoughts from the Summer, 2024
What a season of major jumps, fear coming up and putting absolute trust in myself. Building a life with the biggest dreams and trust and grace for exactly where we are at.
You can read more about the major jumps right here.
A summer of presence, coming deeper into the unfolding of my once, buried dreams. A summer of so much deep emotion, shedding past versions while continuing to love every part of her journey.
Learning to balance the personal and professional of my life - while in duality crashing it all together, moving from the narrative that everything has to be so seperate in my line of work (Social Work). Of course, boundaries, but the equality in those I support and myself is important to me. Something I have always recognized but not put words to until recently through my school placement (more on that later).
You are healthier than you have ever been, continuing to evolve spiritually and into your power - aligning with the soul clients. You are confident in your shares and what you have to offer the world.
An invitation to bring the energy sciences into your life.
Letting go of the judgment i once held over myself - the slut shaming that was so deeply internal. A woman who was once so closed off and going down a dark road of mental health had I not been exposed to essential oils which in turn led me right here, a whole other woman.
be loyal to your dreams.
You are worthy of an abundant life - your voice deserves to be heard.
Metamorphisis and alllll of the Monarch butterflies showing up in life.
Don’t get stuck on what hasn’t even happened, trust baby. Your mind, body and soul deserve this - you are magical and here to serve the world.
A deepening of sexuality, recognizing the power that pleasure holds over our lives, the want and need to be in our purpose and create a life for ourselves that models our deepest desires.
Focus on my womb space in this period - the knowing we hold that can be so hidden by societal narratives, family stories and beyond. Giving more attention to our hips, coming deeper into the intuitive movement in this season - trusting my body when it wants to move.
deeeeeeeep inhale …. deeeeepppp exhaaaaaale
“Look at me all spiritual and trusting and shit”, I had fear come up this season with my mom and health things that are not my place to share - but I trusted and reflected and truthfully had some really good conversations during this time. Which brings up the thought that it is sad how that sometimes it takes a big event to have real conversations.
Follow your intuition before it makes sense.
The symbolismn of a monarch can indictate transformation and change, and boyyy have we ever been feeling this over on this side of the internet.
Reflection on the girls that just needs to be love, my pup brought this up in me - gosh she is the suckiest most lovable girl, and she truly has been medicine for my inner child that didnt really feel too much love.
Releasing the negative connotation with food. Eat the foods that nourishes you but dont limit. Just feel good.
Living in deeper flow - restructuring your entire life.
Breathing is about safety.
Self love principals I learned from one of my mentors, @shanila.sataar - awareness, acceptance, beliefs, boundaries, compassion, commitment - take what you need from those words and reflect what they need from you.
Safety to uplevel ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Lower back things arising, in reflection .. I should have listened to this earlier - maybe I could have moved through and not experienced the intensity that I did about a month after I had written this.
Leaving behind the previous versions of myself, moving into being in attunement with my highest self - as I explore who she is and commit to evolve through each layer.
Reflect on aspects you love and admire in others.
Cinnamon &Frankincense - TRUST
The real grief that comes along with big transition, the shedding of a past version, the shedding of a whole identity as you come into your new one - the one thats always been exactly who she need to be at any given time.
Trusting and leading with my intuition.
The magic you embraced this season and will continue to: breath, movement, naps, learning, community, passion, love, nourishment
The deeper presence - feel the fear and remind yourself of the main goal.
To be FREE.
Independance - the reawakening of old dreams - challenged to take the next step and begin walking to the beat of my own drum.
Another layer of the worth wound moving through me - it didn’t work out before because you had to build more skills- wow, a whole other woman from the one who entered back into the field for the very last time.
Understanding and advocating for our wants and our desires.
You did it differently this time - the model for change, the different.
Lots of fears coming up through the transition - but the deeper trust was present, a knowing that everything is happening.
It’s the most cool to see how things are transpiring.
My love - lying under the stars and just being. Finding eachother, loving each other.
Some personal goals came into deeper fruition, those will be shared when the timing is right.
Letting go of: judgement, fear of the unknown, zack (not physically lol), lack mindset, the questioning.
Stop self sabotaging.
CELEBEBRATE yourself, you are deserving of everything you wish for and more; take a deep breath in as you welcome in this belief and a long exhale out as you move through the stories that tell you otherwise.
Carry forward your youthcare stuff, stop questioning it (im coming, im coming).
The most intense pain was experienced through this transition, knowing the emotions and fear that was very real inside of me. Settling as I prove my nervous system wrong and pave a new way for us.
I spent some time avoiding the fears, we are all our own worst enemy sometimes - I was attempting to lean straight into the trust without feeling all of the inbetweens (dont follow in those footsteps lol).
Of course the phoenix card fell out in divine timing, rising from the ashes.
Transmuting our pain into our power - a breath for our heart.
The first day of the rest of your life happened this season, of course I also got my cycle on this day (THE FUCKING POWER BABY) -I’ve never felt so excited and in awe of the life that we are building. It is going to be better than we can imagine.
THE DREAM: Living a life that is in complete alignment with where we are at in life; a more established Healing Arts Practitioner whose focus is her family (friends included), continuing to build out and grow her home, and herself.
You’ve upleveled recently, a new energy dancing and grounding under the full moon right after a powerful full moon circle. The felt safety in my body.
THE DESIRE: To be myself in her true authenticity. One who continues to follow the nudges and trust within me. I desire to be free- in mind, body and finances. I desire to be a light in this dark world and to continue doing the things that make me feel good; to be a guide through others path of self discovery. I desire to be and embody love - to be the model of what I preach.
Dance and visualize.
This next season is here, the nourishment and time you give yourself in this season will begin flourishing come Spring again, ask yourself if what you are doing is contributing to your health and wellness?