Take a Chance ✨
I recently quit my stability, an identiy that I have had for almost fifteen years. I am taking a chance on myself, on our future by choosing to trust myself.
Deeply, because it is a HUGE financial risk for a family who has had to live pay cheque to pay cheque for to god damn long. A lot of fear happening, but if there is anything that I have learned, it is that the scary things are most often the things worth going after.
&so what other choice do I have?
Continue living a life on somebody else’s dime, time and politics. Absoloutely not. I am made for way more than that.
So we jump.
I have been in Child and Youth Care for almost 15 years, it truly was an identity that I have been shedding; here is some of that story. This choice has probably been one of the hardest (while in duality, the easiest) choice I could have ever made for myself; the grief and emotions that come along with shedding a whole piece of ourselves is real. The tears and emotions that can come when you are truly connected to yourself; the release of who I once was. A shedding.
&what would a shedding be without something that completely knocks you on your ass?
My last week in the home that I have ran and made a difference in over the past almost 3 years, I started experiencing the most intense lower back pain. I pushed through it, there was no way I was not going to be at work on my very last few days. But it hurt like hell, physically annnd emotionally.
I finally was able to take a day in bed… my back was so bad, I was barely walking; so I rested and reflected.
I knew the moment it hit me, it was fear coming up in my body.
FEAR - the very thing that keeps SO MANY of us back from truly chasing after our dreams. Fear, living in our Root Chakra - the base of our spine (where my pain so happens to be). While I have deep trust in this leap, on a somatic level, my body is pumping the “what the fuck are you doing” through my veins. The fears that weren’t present until we jumped; fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of losing everything. Knowing and trusting with the duality of fear because we’ve never, in our lives, taken a chance like this on ourselves.
My mind has processed this and is ready, see the abundance blog; my body hasn’t had the opportunity because we haven’t taken the leap until now.
&it sucks a little (okay, a fuck ton), but one: Ive learned that I need to somatically support my body in huge life transitions before I hopefully allow this kind of pain to come back again (although all pain is transmuted into power and holds place) and two: I trust the journey that my body needs to take us to this next level.
“If you must doubt something, doubt your limits”
It’s pretty cool to see how things have evolved - a dream that I had once forgotten about until it recently came up again. Realizing that despite the beliefs that were once inside of me, the narratives and self doubt that society imprints on us, that all of our hurdles, hard work and trust bring us into a life even better than we could have imagined.
You see, if you read the post above regarding my career (here again for easy access), there is one part of the story that I haven’t quite written on yet - the dream that was hidden so deep inside of me, I had forgotten it had even existed.
Even though, I was coming into it all along (without fully, consciously knowing it). For years, I have been creating ebooks, and classes and programs that all promote the betterment of ourselves, written through my own experience and healing journey. Continuing to create in the same way, only on a larger scale and with deeper trust.
Now, proudly able to say that I am an entrepeneur and I have a business; something that seemed SO scary only a short time ago.
Still having zero idea where it is going to take me, but knowing that it is going to be magical, so long as I continue to trust and follow my heart.
A support through the mind and body connection; offering community, resources with a holistic/ take control over our own lives vibe, programs to promote coming into our own power, classes, essential oils, and as aligns.
I believe that we are all intended to evolve and grow, in whichever direction we see fit. This [ebook] is here to spark some curiosity and guide you into believing in yourself on a deeper level; created from my learning, experience and my heart.
☀️ See how I can support you individually
☀️ Connect for a consultation
I can’t wait to see where this takes us 🦋
The Summer months embody an energy that is about aliveness.
Growth and connection to the outside, our Mother Earth. The flowers and gardens of all sorts, longer daytimes and the feeling of more space.
With the duality of insanely busy.
Expansion if you allow yourself space to experience life in true elation and confidence.
First through gaining a connection to yourself by getting real present, and basking in joy and abundance that can be your life.
🦋 Within, you can find Flow Breathwork practices including workbooks with reflection pages to help you to integrate your practice.
Enjoy practices on coming into Presence, Abundance, and Joy 🌻