The Abundance Mindset

This one has been a hard one for me. I am sure for many in the world that we are living in right now - the burden that our governments are costing us. Inflation. It’s very real, and from somebody who was living kinda comfortably to a little more stretched in the past year, I wanted you to know that you are not alone.

But …

What I have learned is that when you stay so focused on what you don’t have and how hard it is … you stay in a sort of victim mindset. Constantly squirrelling about the how’s and the growing credit card debt only affects your system in a negative way.

The fear is real, yes, but what can you do about it right now?

Be in gratitude for what you do have. Waking up in the comfortable bed each day, have clean clothes to wear and am getting closer and closer to my car being paid off (⚡️) …will NEVER buy a new car again, having good food to eat.

Maybe explore ideas outside of the box to support yourself; there is more than enough to go around this world and what you have to offer is AMAZING. It’s the systems and belief systems we have that have us believing we need to spend our lives waiting for Friday and dreading Mondays.

Surround yourself and follow people who are doing things a little differently; when you are exposed to what could be (awareness), you open up space for the possibilities in your own life.

Heal the money wounds, feel them in your body and move around the energy associated to it - again, making space for the possibilities.

Breathe through some of this with me by booking a consultation to do a series together.

Barter your services; you have a TON to offer this world.

&just watch how things and opportunities can unfold for you.

because they can.

When YOU allow it too.

Here is a practice that I created just for you, to breathe into your own abundance 🦋

Would love to know what you associate to abundance, there can be sooo many layers to this topic, respond here and let me know!

When you are in anger or fear all of the time… Over money, or anything really… You’ll notice the pattern of negative things always happening.

Slouched over, lack of confidence, judgement+

When you can come into a love state (love over fear), meaning you were able to practice compassion for yourself for all the choices that you made before you knew better, forgiveness because holding on keeps the stagnancy in your body, learning to take care of yourself+

You noticed that life comes back to you that way… Or at the very least, you learn to trust that everything is transpiring for a reason.


How do you breathe into abundance!?

Breathwork is an ancient practice that was recognized throughout many different cultures, basically until the patriarchy and colonization took over 💨.

A selfhealing practice that supports us so deeply on a science and energy science level; our breath with each inhale, moving through our energy centers… The ones that hold stagnancies of our past present and worries for the future.

Exhaling the lack, fear and sadness.

Storing in our heart space (Anahata) and manifesting as somebody with little boundaries, over-giving themselves, avoidance, poor energy hygiene +

When you focus your breath on this area, you stir up the above stagnancies and make space for compassion, inner peace, balance, #abundance

&to add a little extra juice, focus on moving your upper body through the practice.

Check it out 🔽

You deserve this 🦋


Thoughts from the Winter, 23/24


Thoughts from the Fall.