Thoughts from the Fall.

I meant to look before I started typing here, how many seasons I have been writing and sharing my reflections from the seasons before- I think it’s been a little over a year.

Reminder to go back and read through them, see where my head was at in those spaces- the power of reflection.

Some little snippets from my journal:

Wow, what a season. Learning and Integrating.

Really sticking with my word and ensuring I was embodying the nourishment. It was so busy, but in the most nourishing and enlightening way.

The changes that are happening.

Alignment. Wowowow. I am so in awe that this is all transpiring - what I have been wanting since I can remember. The foundations have been being built these last few years and it’s happening.
⚡️ See this blog post to explore what I am talking about.

Manifestation. You attract what your subconscious mind believes that you deserve. I’ve been working through the money wounds for a while now, here we’re claiming 9 months (more) of savings - enough to make us comfortable for this next level.

The knowing I had before/ without truly knowing - trust. allow.

I dont drop all my boundaries to help others sweep their wounds under the rug (I think this quote came from Shania Sattaar).

Most fears quite literally only exist in our heads - breathe to calm through them.

Breathwork: The practice is ancient, the field is new.

Shed your past and live in the beauty of who you are.

Tulsi- I have been using this more recently. An oil that “enhances life force energy, restoring energetic flow for healing our body, mind and spirit. Harmonizing the conscious and subconscious mind” - wow do I feel this. Seed planted for a future blog post once I have reflected on that one more. This one is still new to me.

Did you know that your high pain tolerance is a freeze response?

Some unpacking of me once being in a freeze state - maybe I’ll tell that story when it feels right.

Believe in yourself and dream big.
Your life CAN be so magical if you allow it.

There is a wounded pattern of always having something to fix about yourself - you are perfect the way that you are, baby.

Coming back to ourselves over the learned anger and fear - where Breath comes in.
Moving through our cellular body to allow those energies to be shaken up - then the reflection comes in.

Time for an authentic soul journey - seeing how everything unfolds. Be cool to see if it’s in relation to what I wrote here. I know it’ll be better (this isn’t something that I am ready to talk about… its still bubbling).

Reflection for ourselves: Where do I feel powerless?

We’re powerless with the systems, specifically in youth care - it took me a long time to lose anger over this. But it still sucks sometimes. The duality of this is the excitement of what the future holds in regards to what I can and will offer this field.

To do separate blogs on:

the narrative of feeling needy
the learned behaviour of fear
Abundance, baby

Curiosity about my own ancestors, calling them in.

Never having a normal cycle - until I was introduced to the flow - third eye things.

The deeper understanding of emotions - probably another whole blog post.

Consider maybe, that there is an emotional reason for the pain that you are feeling.

Would love to chat about anything that came up for you with anything I have written. Send an email, here.

Can’t wait to connect 😘


The Abundance Mindset


The Small t’s