Full Moon in Pisces
It is under this moon that I am coming further into my own, figuring out piece by piece what exactly that is going to look like. My deep faith in the universe and what is out there for me, not something I could have ever imagined myself saying not all that long ago.
Unraveling my own artistry as I enter into the Healing Arts as a professional, a world where I am taking a full chance on myself as I share and integrate all that I have learned through my own healing journey (thus far) into how I can offer and support those around me.
Freaking wild.
How it is all unravelling.
Pisces, according to Chani is known for its faith, compassion, mysticism, romance, idealism, artistic, intuitive and spiritual appraoch to life, so with this full moon, it only makes sense that we move through the narratives and stories that keep us in an opposite state.
Closed off from the love of life, no faith, believing in anything but ourselves - wow, how a past version of myself can relate here. An independant who never knew how to rely on anybody but herself.
With Pisces being a water element, we are naturally going to move our bodies in the form of waves or put a big focus in our hips, waking up energies in our lower chakras.
Moving through the mistrust in ourselves that so many of us hold, often resulting in staying stuck in situations that we are no longer happy in. Situations that are not serving our higher good; shaking up our guilt and shame and resistance towards the change that we all deserve.
Making space for our own creativity and a deeper connection to our own self as we tap and massage around our womb space. Allowing emotions to come up and flow through us.
Being one with life opposed to against it or always on.
Being exactly who we are meant to be, in all of our authentic badassery - the version of ourselves who is no longer apologizing.
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