
It is one of my top strengths.

I believe in the connection to so many things.

Connection to the moon.

Our bodies.

The Seasons.

Our earth.

Our generations.

Connection to each other.

I am sure there is more to learn.

It has been a little over a year since the above little thought was posted, and have things ever changed. Two thousand and 23 for me was a year of truly connecting to myself. Coming into a version that I thought could only be alive in my thoughts. Transforming from the woman who needed to save everybody to the woman who knows that it is only us that can choose to steer through the pains and guilts and fears; supporting YOU when you are ready.

Click here to see how ✨

I think it is due time to talk a little more in depth about what I mean when I talk about the connection. The connection that us, as human beings have to our earth … how things change when you are able to feel how the moon can support you through healing your outside world; how community allows you to feel seen and supported (shout out to @witchyways2flow); how our cycles, as women allows us to practice more grace and understanding for ourselves (shout out to @iamsarahmorden for the lessons); how our breath can be a modality in connecting to your most truest self as the air weaves in and out through your cells, bringing forth emotions and stories to promote deeper healing (shoutout to @breathworkfacilitatortraining); how the plants in the form of pure essential oils can be a support to those emotions as they come up, again, connecting to our cells on a deep, deep level.

[Our Earth] My venture into this began with essential oils, pure oils that come straight from our earth; oils that are the purest on the market, coming from the climate/ country in which each plant is Indigenous to. Connecting me deeper to my emotions before I even realized what they were doing.

Learning and embodying this, changed my life.

Frankincense to help me keep an open mind through my learning and spiritual path – there isn’t any going back once you feel it.

A time where I was speaking out and using my voice more than I ever have in my life, Spearmint was a tool I leaned on.

Learning to dance it out and move my body to release any anger that I was holding onto – lots of sinus colds, and headaches - Roman, Chamomile and Rosemary as an aid in release amongst natural tools, because this girl barely relies on ph**** anymore.

some Forgive through my hair regularly because it was really hard not to cut ties completely. I did not deserve to be treated as a disease.

Compassion (the oil and practice) as you remember the world we are brought up in and that everybody has a different perspective, set of values, wounds, and understanding.

I repeated the last two for a while – it was a time where I needed to forgive, and have compassion for myself as well.

I begin learning to listen to my body and live in tune with my cycle.

Ridding the fear and shame from my being.

Understanding of cyclical type of living rather than the hustle, and grind that we grow up on.

Using tools throughout each stage that I know, will support me – Clary Sage, and Basil, about a week out from my cycle starting.

Bergamot to remind me of the queen that I am when those inner gremlins try to tell me otherwise.

InTune to help me stay present in my life rather than distracted all of the time.

Jasmine to support in some sexual healing – something I am currently working through and will talk about if/when it feels right.

Arborvitae as a reminder through my need for control, a recognition that I can only control myself.

Rose for the self love - a regular ritual, rolling over my heart as a reminder to someone (me) who had a lot of hate for herself.

&most recently, Tulsi. A support and guide through my spiritual journey … said to “harmonize our conscious and unconscious mind”. A support in integrating us further into a higher vibration.

If this is something that you could be into learning, fill this out and we can connect about how I can support you through this realm.

[Community] We grow up in a world that teaches us that we can do it all on our own, I know that asking for help is something that I still tend to struggle with from time to time. When you surround yourself with people who are not only healing themselves, but talking about it in a safe container, you are able to recognize that things aren’t all as they appear to be on socials, rather just a little piece of our lives. You enter into a space of vulnerability and a recognition that there is so much power in healing in numbers.

& started and spent quite a few years healing on my own (until I found community and didn’t), I can promise you that it is much easier. Hard, but easier.

See the kinds of people I believe in surrounding myself with.

[The Moon] is what taught me, personally to let go. To heal my anger and fear of the outside world so that I could come a little closer to my inside world. To burn away (with community) the characteristics that no longer served the woman that I was and am becoming (the judgement, people pleasing tendencies and more). As I grew myself, I started leaning into more of what the moon was teaching me, the balance between it and my cycle (still figuring it out). Learning to maybe not look so far ahead, rather in short, more attainable spaces.

The New Moon reminding us that fresh starts and ideas bring even deeper growth.

The Waxing Moon, the importance and power of reflection. When we are able to reflect, we are able to take the opportunity to see what may or may not be working in our lives.

The Full Moon, as mentioned .. allowing space to let go of the thoughts, patterns, people that are no longer serving the person that we are becoming.

&the Waning Moon, a reminder of the importance of rest, surrender and healing.

[OUR Cycles] This healing came at just the time I was needing it (doesn’t it all); allowing me to recognize that I couldn’t always be in a state of doing, rather weaving in and out of what my body as a woman, is capable of. Allowing for more grace and compassion for myself.

The connection to the moon … occurring every 28.5 (ish) days. As I mentioned, still figuring out, how my own aligns. At this point, a recognition that there is balance in my own energies. Teaching me, as I bleed, the power of reflection (as I mentioned above).

I refer to my cycle in seasons (like our EARTH), tuning into what I need throughout each.

Our Winter … when we are bleeding … a time for rest; deep flow and fresh thought.

Our Spring … when our cycle ends … our energy increasing, a time for our creativity to be explored and explode

Our Summer … what is known as our Follicular phase (but the science has never and will never be my thing) is the time for connection; where our voice is clearer and confidence is ravaging through the air.

Our Fall … just as our earth, where we begin to go inward again. A time to begin to slow down, where we crave nourishing foods and things that are good for our beings. This is a time that I like to write and read, generally indulging in more baths.

[Our Breath] My newest venture and a tool that has connected me deeper to my own purpose. It’s always been about supporting people, it’s just been about unravelling the layers to get me here.

Our Breath, weaving in and out through our cells when done with intention; connecting to the energy in our systems (Emotion is Energy in Motion) to bring up the ability to work through the things that may be holding us back. The lack of respect for self; feeling unworthy of doing or being in a growth state (#foreverlearning) … which in my opinion, is what holds most of us back.

See my 15 day challenge, if you need to come through some of this; Bergamot Queen.

Our Breath, supporting and bringing clarity through so many things, through what it is that YOU are individually needing. Our Breath is a whole post in its own, a share that will be written when it feels right.


A Common Theme


Things change