The Kinds of People

There is a particular type of person I want in my life.

I have become very conscious of who I share my energy/ life with; I can no longer allow myself to succumb to negative thought patterns; living in a victim mindset; not taking control over our own lives.

Taking the initiative to find the skills to work through whatever it is you have been through (all the compassion in the world to those who are really going through it, now and in the past).

Recognizing that you can change the thought patterns of all those that came before you.

But it is, up to you.

I want people that you can disagree with and still allow space to listen to another perspective. I want people that share values of freedom (in whatever manner that looks like for you); people who talk about the beauty of our natural world; who aren’t afraid to talk about spiritual things and sex and farts (hopefully not together lol).

People that are on some level (no expectations of which level.. we don’t compare here)… people that are on some level taking radical responsibility for themselves.

Anybody else?

If you are looking for places to start, I have SO MUCH to offer you, through free and paid resources.

Take a look at some options through F R E E and paid resources 🌀

Don’t forget, we are who we surround ourselves with 🌿

P.S take a listen to this great episode on making friends✌🏻


The Feminine Flow


I wouldn’t have been