
I like to personally refer to habits as rituals, I like the vibe it gives off.

Especially when they are good and promoting a lifestyle that is going to move us forward.

Every single thing in our lives is a ritual - when we choose to get home from our day job, do the basic chores and then sit in front of the tv - this is a ritual.

When we choose to come home, do the life things and then choose to do the things that: inspire us, promote connection (ie: community), learn, grow and yes even watch that tv occasionally because sometimes it is good to disconnect, rest when our bodies need it - this is a ritual.

Whichever path we choose promotes our feelings, actions and entire thought process - everything we choose to do is connected to our overall well-being - having positive and negative outcomes.

Everything we do in our lives is a habit - a feeling, action or thought process that trickles through the rest of us.

There are many studies throughout the world wide web that suggest the different amounts of time that it takes to implement a ritual into your life. I believe that they all have a basis, but I believe that a huge deciphering factor is the mindset that we are in, at any given time in regard to whatever change it is that we are trying to make.

For example, if you have weight loss in mind: It is my opinion that you can’t just hop to it because chances are there are some thoughts (whether consciously or subconsciously) that have you feeling you aren’t good enough in the body that you are in. &when we are coming for it from the perspective that we aren’t good enough, we are eventually going to hit the wall of the routine that we completely stop because “who the fuck are we to make this change?”

Another example may be implementing a morning routine.

This doesn’t mean waking up at five in the morning like me, rather doing the good things when you do wake. It falls to the knowing that when we start our days with something good, it can set the presedence for the rest of our lives - is there something in there that we are rejecting?

Maybe, who am I to set my day off on a good track? Maybe the excuses steep in of being too busy. While I recognize that we are all in different stages of life and there are busier than others, this too is something that holds us back because we become of the mindset that it needs to be all or nothing - it doesn’t.

It is one thing. One ritual. One tiny block of time in your life at a time that will trickle out to the rest.

There is more I have to share on Rituals, join the F R E E community that I run each Spring (as aligns) - you can join ANYTIME and explore what has already been shared as you please.

As mentioned, lots of the things that can hold us back are in relation to how we feel about ourselves - I have a challenge surrounding this that I run, as feels aligned. It is called Bergamot Queen and takes you through a variety of different aspects that could be holding you back, ultimately sharing a reminder that you are worthy, as you are.

Hop on the email list to be the first to know when the next round will be held.

Email me to get a hold of the blend that I curated to support you in the times that we are feeling less then.

Here is the blog on Bergamot 🌿

Here to purchase the ebook I created on the good habits and rituals



