Imposter Syndrome

This term had been coming around, leading to much thought and going within (breathwork has been a favourite to do so recently). Imposter syndrome, doubting ourselves.

Not believing in what we are capable of; that our dreams are worthy of accomplishing; that we are something. It is said that imposter syndrome is a trait we take on if we were held to high standards as kids. Needing to get good grades, for example, feeling less than if we let them down. Internalizing the idea that by taking the path most travelled, we are accomplishing great things.

We are living in a society where imposter syndrome is running rapidly, and people’s souls are being crushed because they are not living the life that they are called to. People trading their time for money, yearning for instant gratification (in the ways of convenience, sex, and allll the things), and living a life where your waiting for Friday and dread Monday (I am working on this one).

I don’t know about you, but I am ready and learning to live a life where I fiercely believe in myself.

It is hard work, but we deserve it.

Every last one of us.

It was the imposter syndrome talk that was coming around that had me look into this. Digging a little deeper than I had been and learning to live in a way that was modelling the life that I was calling in. Putting myself out there deeper and speaking my truths no matter what.

Someone who is no longer apologizing for my belief in the woo; the plants, our intuition, the vibes and the magic of our universe.

Here is an article on Imposter Syndrome

FIVE types of imposter syndrome - I most definitely identify with the person who doesn’t know how to ask for help. Although this is something I have been consciously working on for a while and can report that I am much better at this.

&some other things that I recommend ✨

Reminders that there is no other you, that YOU are one of a kind

Affirm: I will not compare myself to others, I am magic on my own

Model the person that you are aiming to become. This one was a little hard for me, how the fuck was I to model somebody who wasn’t living pay cheque to pay cheque when this is my reality. I learned that it is not about the money, but rather the vibe of being abundant. The practice of gratitude and respect for where I was at, acknowledgment of allll the hard work that has been done. A practice that I am still working on/ through.

Bergamot, as we know (if you’ve been following along for a while) is the oil of self-acceptance. A perfect match for somebody who may be feeling like they are not good enough. It “cleanses stagnant feelings and limiting belief systems”.

My Bergamot Queen workshop, is a space to gain self-acceptance and self-worth; click here to learn more.

The Beautiful oil, a blend by dōTERRA that supports us through gaining self-respect. No longer allowing our past choices and experiences to define us and respecting the fact that we have always done the best that we can with what we knew. An oil that “unfolds the heart space and re-opening it to love and self-acceptance.


Leo New Moon


The Feminine Flow