Leo New Moon
The Leo New Moon took place a little over a week ago, and it was a powerful time to be setting some intentions. I spent it with some bad ass bitches (iykyk) making connections, and listening to Liz surrounded by the most beautiful space. Surrounded by the trees and the birds that sometimes chime in.
Something I learned ions ago was to reflect; when it comes to the moons, reflecting on your time since the last moon in this sign (ex. Leo New Moon was recent, I was looking back at the last Leo Full moon). Which I just so happened to blog about… insane that that this synced up. Although not really, its magic.
Check out my releases on the Leo Full Moon back in February.
I would say I have been consciously reframing the limiting beliefs with more ease, and no longer living in a fear/ shame cycle. It is funny how it connects to my intentions for this phase:
From the journal: I think there is a small piece of me that still looks for approval in some ways. Maybe some internalized fear surrounding my voice (that I thought I had overcome 😎). I am setting the intention going forward to insert myself into more conversations.
Trust is huge. I need to feel a sense of safety within conversation - small talk has never been my thing (which I always thought was a bad thing or made me feel like there was something wrong with me because I wasn’t outspoken as that other girl). It comes too, from the negative comments about my dad, I believe- how awkward he was. I am a part of that, and as a young child.. it is internalized and I take it with me.
I am not going to apologize anymore.
“A new phase has begun. My confidence is fuelled by the energy of the sun. I am now in tune. My emotions are balanced by the moon”
This New Moon in Leo “brings us the chance to grow into our most confident and courageous self” and I don’t know about you, but I am absofuckingloutely doing this.
I have a lot to offer this world, and I am no longer holding back.
You wouldn't believe the things that are coming through the past two days; not the turn I realized was going to happen, but one that totally makes sense. The same, but different.
I am choosing to live a life by my standards, autonomous and against everything that I was taught through the patriarchal systems. Our family is learning how to do different in all the ways.
I am abundant.
💫 Click here to learn more about the Leo New Moon
Recognizing that we are worthy of making change and setting new intentions for ourselves is hard, I have a workshop that can support you through this. Click here to check it out⚡️
Intune to support you in being present; important when we are are learning to get in tune with our desires and uncovering the intentions that speak to our highest self.