Going within.
We grow up in a world that teaches us to trust anybody but ourselves. Going along to get along and living a life based on the standards that society puts out there for you.
Just me?
But then something clicks and we realize that we’re exhausted, burnt out, and living a life in complete chaos… and we hear things like older generations saying they wish they would have done things differently and we know that we don’t want to live with the same regrets.
So we start healing, and learning in whichever manner we, individually, are aligned to.
We begin to hear things like “go within to find the answers” or “connect to your body to be free” … but what the fuck does that even mean?
In a world that doesn’t honour this, help …
I know this is similar to how I felt when I first started- I’ll never forget the woman that told me to connect to myself. It was a seed planted, however my monkey mind was going crazy about how weird this was.
Until that seed started to sprout and I truly did begin connecting to myself deeper and deeper. First, through some meditations, then I dove into really connecting to my body through learning to live in tune with my menstrual cycle and then even deeper (and the most expansive yet), through our breath.
The very thing that keeps us alive in our human form.
Its got to be powerful, right!?
TRUTH. But I can’t feel that for you, only share my own experiences and be a guide through your own individual path with your mind and body connection.
You see, for centuries, many cultures across the world have recognized the power of our internal beings, recognizing that our emotions (gathered from our own experiences and beyond) lie within us.
The Chakras, described in the Veda’s (our oldest literary records) as energy points all over our bodies correspond to “specific emotional, physical, psychological, mental and spiritual state of beings”.
Note: The chakra system is referred to as many different things across cultures, however the ideas or beliefs are very similar in understandings.
For the sake of my current work, we focus on our emotional (emotion = energy in motion) beings, noting that it is our emotions that control our nervous systems that control every part of how we move about our lives.
Going within can take a lot of practice, however with the right practitioner, ideally you are able to first calm the mind and then move inwards with guidance.
Let’s explore more about our emotions being held within and how accessing them, either consciously or subconsciously through our breath, can quite literally change your life.
*note, what is shared below is not all of what each of our energy centers is capable of, only a snippet of information.
“There is deep wisdom within our very bodies, we have the ability to access it when we go within”
Starting with our Roots, located around the base of our spine, this is where our safety is held; recognizing that our bodies need to feel safe in order to move into whatever our next level is.
Our roots allow us to make decisions from a place security, while on the other hand, hold emotions like fear, anxiety, keep us from being able to make decisions, and with a lack of discipline.
Moving into our Sacral area, this is our groin, pelvis, our creation center. It is the home of our intuition, where we birth new ideas (or humans), gain an incredible amount of trust within ourselves, honour boundaries and experience pleasure and joy.
On the contrary, an over or underactive Sacral chakra can consist of no boundaries at all, being compulsive in our actions and decision making, starting projects and not completing them and completely disconnected from self.
Our Solar Plexus is our innate power that we all hold within, each of us holding a gift to bring forth to the universe (ie: in support or guidance, motherhood, business, work and beyond +) but many of us, as mentioned before … going along to get along. Our solar holds our confidence and self-esteem, while on the other side of things, being responsible for our lack of trust (in ourselves and others), being power hungry or burnt out, needing external validation or struggling with imposter syndrome.
Our heart, holds our anger and our passion - which really, our anger stems from our passion when things maybe are not working out how we feel they should. Our heart energetically holds our codependancy tendencies, a lack of boundaries, avoidance, lack of trust and giving to others before we give to ourselves while on the other hand is responsible for our inner peace, compassion, and aligned relationships with self and with others.
Imagine how that can feel, although impossible without the work and diving into your own over/underactive tendencies.
Our throat is our expression, are we able to express who we are and what we desire or do we hold back in fear of what othgers may say or think? Are we able to communicate our wants and our needs or do we hold back because we don’t want to be a bother to others?
Our throat, when we are unable to express, can be responsbile for expressing out of fear, having poor communication or an unwillingness to listen to others. A deep suppression of our feelings in fear of being too much.
Moving into our third eye, located between our eyes and responsibile for us being able to see the bigger picture, opposed to maybe being closed off and having a one-way, westernized view of thinking. Our third-eye chakra, when under/over active can be responsible for paranoia, overthinking, narrow mindedness or lack of vision for ourselves and our futures while on the opposite side, being responsible for our calm mind, our ability to connect the dots and having a healthy imagination.
aiiiioooo … when we are able to see … we gain awareness &I believe that awareness is one of the first steps on any journey, recognizing through what we see and open ourselves up to, that things don’t have to be following societal standards.
Our Crown chakra is about a deeper connection to source, whatever that means to YOU. Here we can hold mistrust, become more isolated or secluded, being addicted to spirituality, being overtly logical, and disconnected from our body and from our emotions. When we are able to balance our crown, we connect to a deeper sense of self and whatever else we believe is out in the world (divine, earth, creation, god +).
With our breath, literally moving through every energy center in our body, it moves around the stagnation of our emotions (energy in motion), allowing them to flow more freely within us and open up more than we could of ever imagined in regards to a more positive sense and connection to self.
The Practice to integrate this connection available through joing The Practice, a library of Breathwork sessions with one monthly, live session in community and an abundance of reflection questions to integrate your experiences.
I can’t wait to connect with you ✨