Be Clear on your Intention.
Do you believe it yet?
You’re fucking powerful, babe, and it’s time that you start to recognize this.
I know it can be hard sometimes, and we all go back to questioning what the fuck we’re doing … especially when you’re the type of person breaking cycles and healing and shit.
Not to mention all the layers that we carry with us, through generations and our lives before.
Something I have learned along this way of leaning into and being in tune with my cycle is that when ideas come (creations), you should allow them to simmer through each phase … as they all bring different points of view.
I did not do this through creating my in person offers as I was announcing and planning my business … lol .. #learning. My message hasn’t always been clear, although it is getting better … as my body cycles through.
Allow yourself space to understand that it (what you're dreaming up in this lifetime) doesn’t all need to be happening now; trusting that things align and grow as you live in your purpose.
There is more than living in the mundane, in a job that is okay and just waiting for Friday’s while dreading Monday’s.
You deserve the life that you are after.
But you need to be clear about it. Know what you are after.
Allow it to change and evolve as you do (because, holy, it will).
Take action every day that you are capable, listening to your body when it says to slow down and working it when you have the capacity.
Speak kind words to yourself, love on yourself.
Feel the insecurity that does and will continue to pop up from time to time, learning with experience, the tools and the reframes that may work for you.
Set the boundaries (here’s an old blog on that one).
Feel how hard it is to make the change, to do different … whatever that different means to you.
Undo all the things that told you that you couldn’t (I have a bomb self-led journey to recognizing your worth, if you are into it… 15 days of prompts, learning and love )⚡️
Get rooted; learn to trust yourself because all those things that have us believing that we can’t, they’re bogus and made up things in our head. We can do anything that we want and work towards ✨
Be clear.
One | One Breathwork sessions available to really work through the emotions and stories that can keep us in a state of survival. In a state of fear. Living for others rather than ourselves.
Here to check out what I can offer you ✨