The [food]

The world we grow up in has the processed/factory-made going for the best price at the grocery store. Not to mention the convenience in a world that would rather order their food at the door than cook something.

But we need to do better.

We need to allot the money provided to spend a bit extra on the good things. A healthy(ish) balance of fruit and veg, meats, snacks, and homemade goodness.

Because what we nourish/ fill our bodies with affects our entire well-being. When we do the convenient, box meals we have ourselves feeling sluggish, exhausted, and more reactive +all the things that are not good for us.

When we eat better, we feel better.

So when you work in a home with kids who are already full of traumas, have little to no nervous system regulations and have diagnoses’ that can make it even more difficult to navigate, you’re damn straight we are going to make changes where we can.

Food was one of the first things I changed in this home when I took over. We changed up the menus and began cooking from scratch over throwing a box in the oven.

side note: the whole food industry is a topic I will save for my personal page someday, it’s not a hole that I have dove too far down, yet. I just know enough to want to buy from local markets/ stores, and that farms for my meat are an intention.

I will budget my money here any day overtaking big trips over the Spring Break.


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