Radical Responsibility
A state that we enter when we make a choice to no longer let outside sources dictate how we are “supposed to” move about life.
When we no longer place blame on outside sources for our circumstances.
When we detox… rid of all of the toxins within us and throughout our surroundings.
When we educate ourselves on the mess but don’t allow it to dictate our entire beings
When we learn to live in flow: with the seasons, our bodies (as women) and within the moon
When we begin to see what life is and can offer us (gratitude)
When we practice presence and get out of the distraction state that allows for life to just pass us by.
👉🏻 I recently read a blog about the connection between our cycles and the moon, take a read here
👉🏻 Pause for a moment and take a deep breath. Close your eyes and try to envision dreams for yourself - where do you see yourself 1 month from now, 5 years from now, 15 years from now? What are you doing today to step towards that vision for yourself?
👉🏻 Think about what radical responsibility means to you it doesn’t need to be the same as me.
7-May-2023: I have decided I am going to journal on this every year to talk about the growth and the changes in what radical responsibility for me means.
Today my radical responsibility means listening to my body and slowing down when I need to. Embracing the small moments as we spend the morning outside; my boys talking and drawing. Listening to the music that makes me want to dance. Spending time listening to my intuition and reflecting on whatever is at the forefront of my mind. Boundaries, saying your peace and no longer allowing the space for others to go in the continuous cycle around you. Embracing the sounds of Spring and really sitting in the moments of gratitude.