The Habit of Breaking Cycles

Breaking cycles is going to be one of the hardest things you do; veering off of the path laid out for you, and sticking up for the things that used to be deemed acceptable (in a society geared towards white people).

Cycle Breaking is all about straying from what is your family’s “norm”. This could be in relation to negative mindsets; racism; unwillingness to learn; addictions etc. Really, any pattern that doesn’t serve the version of yourself that you are wanting to become.

Whether you realize it or not, we are all impacted by our upbringing, deep-rooted beliefs ingrained within our entire system. Impacted by experience through the generations and the ones before that (on an individual and societal level) and some of those belief systems just don’t serve our society anymore.

Many of us are raised with the belief that change is bad…scary. A form of control (deep within the subconscious) that has us needing to know what will happen next. & well when you make a change, there is nothing familiar about it.

But I promise, it will be the best decision that you have ever made 💫

🌿 Breaking Cycles starts with a knowing that you want to do differently; that you want to change for your future generations and stop the negative, fear-based cycles …right in their tracks.

🌿 Compassion for not knowing better and the person you were based on those old belief systems

🌿 Re-training the thoughts as they arise, because it is not always just a quick burn; rather many rememberings that need to be adjusted and reframed.


Thoughts from the Spring


Radical Responsibility