The olfactory system is the structure in our bodies that “serves our sense of smell”:
Its response to odours induces the chemicals in our brains (parts of it) which stimulates the release of hormones and neural chemicals that alter our bodies human behaviours:
Pure florals stimulate calm,
Citrus some energy
Synthetics stimulate harm to our systems.
dōTERRA’s Bergamot, or when pure from the earth is something that can help us with self-acceptance. It can support relief from “self- judgement and low self-esteem. It invites individuals to see life with more optimism”. An oil that when used with intention can help us see life with more optimism, allowing us to cleanse stagnant belief systems that no longer serve the person you want to become.
Such a powerful message that I have created a whole challenge surrounding it, something you can learn about through my email list.
Buy the oil, here and I will send you the challenge that I have created (the difference between this and the one I run in the Spring is the individual support and chats that come with it).
Where the product is sourced from plays a large role in how the oil benefits you, check out the video to learn about how Bergamot was sourced.