The Feminine Flow The Feminine Flow

Snow Day thoughts…

There are a ton of valuable skills taught in the Western education system (thoughts on that through my non-youth care page) #stayfocused but to my knowledge, there is still little focus on us, as the worker.

As the person who is expected to be the mother/father figure, nurse, therapist, calm to the storm … even when we are going through it ourselves.

Don’t you think it’s important to learn the skills for ourselves so that we can be the model for those in our homes? Shouldn’t that be a focus? Nah, to easy and doesn’t keep our system in the cycle its in #stayfocused

When we, as caregivers/ mental health workers/coaches etc. are able to do the good things for ourselves, individually (the good things are different for everybody), it transpires to how we move about life, which makes a difference for our kids.

Have you ever heard the phrase, surround yourself with the world you want for yourself (something like that, maybe I am even making it up)… well it’s true for these kids too, although they do not have a choice on the workers that come into THEIR homes.

So let’s do better.

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The Feminine Flow The Feminine Flow

Gratitude thoughts

I was sitting here earlier feeling so much gratitude for the place I am at in my career.

A career that I truly thought I was done with at one point (a story for another time). I’m here on a day that I couldn’t make it in to work because of the weather and in a place where I am still getting paid because I have the ability to work from home.

This wasn’t the case prior to 13 months ago.

So believe me when I say that I feel for those (in any field) who aren’t able to make it into work and don’t get paid. Life is expensive, especially these days.

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