What happens when we begin to see our worth?

I’ve mentioned it before, but at a societal level, as women, we grow up in a world that in some way diminishes our worth. Whether it be because of your size, colour, beliefs etc... if you don’t fit into a tiny box of what somebody else deems as beautiful, creative, and worthy, you internalize and move about your life this way. Much of the time, doing it unconsciously.

What we hear and what we grow up around is engrained in us … until we’re inspired by somebody else doing it differently. Planting a seed in us… starting to pay attention and begin getting curious if you can do those things too.

You can.

You see when you begin to trash the narratives that told you to be less than… YOU begin to do things that you never thought possible. You start to live a life on nobody’s terms but your own and you begin to make changes for yourself that keep you moving forward rather than staying stuck all the time.

You start to uncover the true you, not the person that is out looking for approval from others.

You start unlearning, implanting things into your life that pushes you forward, one step at a time.

You accept YOU, for who you are (mistakes and all). No longer placing blame on others because you recognize that it is your responsibility to break and reprogram those limiting beliefs.

You recognize that you are beautiful and you are worth putting the effort into.

You are able to live a life that is full of joy, calm, gratitude and more/ you are able to implement the tools and learnings when things do get hard… because they will.


Our Nervous System


Leo Full Moon